Each system is custom designed for your specific application.
Our system is economical to operate, both from energy savings to serviceability, and reliability.
We have over 25 years of in-field experience observing the performance, and component selection of not only our equipment, but also that produced by other leading manufacturers.
Special attention is given to the lubrication system on our systems.
- Oil is separated from the refrigerant through a helical oil separator.
- Oil level is constantly monitored in the high-pressure oil reservoir.
- All oil is filtered with a special oil filter designed for polyol ester lubricants.
- A special circuit (patent applied for) will automatically correct certain lubrication problems while protecting the compressors.
As standard equipment, we can monitor an alarm on low refrigerant conditions, all adjustable in the software of the on-board computer.
An end-user password is assignable to the computer to check on the status of your system at the store level.
A master phase monitor is utilized for single phase line conditions as well as over, or under voltage conditions. Our systems will start themselves back up automatically even after an extended power failure.
We offer 24 hr. monitoring and support in the event of a problem.
Helical Oil Separator
Hot Water And Store Heat Reclaim
Phase Monitor Protection
The SMART RACK SYSTEM custom manufactured by Refrigeration Industries Corporation is the most advanced and economical to operate parallel compressor refrigeration system of its kind. Designed for and utilizing R-407a refrigerant, which is a non-ozone depleting, and low GWP refrigerant. Our systems incorporate a patent applied for lubrication system that manages the synthetic polyol-ester oil required in the compressor sumps to be compatible with the HFC type refrigerant. That translates to maximum amounts of energy savings due to less horse power required to run the already highly efficient Copeland K5 Scroll compressors with Coresense® technology (on-board diagnostics for reduced service costs). The systems are designed with one digital scroll on each suction group to minimize compressor starts/day. We started using the K5 models in January 2013 that replaced the older K4 models. These K5 scrolls are up to 20% more efficient than the older K4 scrolls. Efficiency savings are 60-70% greater than conventional condensing units. Our design also includes economized vapor injection (EVI) and sub-cooled liquid refrigerant which removes the
latent heat from the refrigerant before it ever gets to the expansion valves on the low temp side of the system thus requiring 45% less horsepower. The flat plate sub-cooler is fed with a 2500 step electronic expansion valve controlled by the RCC521 Novar module with 3 input sensors for precision, consistent control. Also, our systems utilize the latest in technology of NOVAR controllers for both the refrigeration side of the system, includes energy management which integrates the waste heat from the refrigeration systems to not only heat the store environment, but provide domestic hot water needs.
All of the hot water needs for a conventional supermarket can be provided through the means of hot water reclaim without any purchased energy for a typical conventional supermarket. That translates to an average annual saving of $7,200.00.
Typically, a supermarket with a 26,000 square foot sales area will not need any purchased energy to heat the building until the outdoor temperature falls below 35º F. The refrigeration system must run most of the time anyway, but instead of shoving all of the heat outside to a remote air cooled condenser or cooling tower, we “manage” the direction of the waste heat by using a series of 3-way valves and heat exchangers. This is all controlled automatically by the Novar controllers which have internet communication for control, monitoring and alarm conditions. This translates to a $18K to $25K annual savings for heating, depending on current utility rates.
Many times when a rack system is located in a cold compressor room or mechanical center during extreme low temperatures, a separate space heater is required to keep the compressor room warm so the rack will still function. In December, 2010, we modified the de-superheater piping, software, etc. to also act as a “mini” heat reclaim coil for free compressor room heat. This is just another way of RIC utilizing every BTU of heat available, instead of wasting it to the outside.
In mild weather, or low ambient conditions, the advantage of the split suction rack (medium temp and low temp refrigeration on one machine) is a common liquid header. The low temp side of the system has basically the same amount of compressors running in the winter as in the summer, but the liquid header supplying liquid refrigerant to both the low and medium temp equipment must have some means of “moving the refrigerant” during mild outdoor conditions. Few if any compressors on the medium temp side will be running because we are taking advantage of the already cool wintertime conditions at the outdoor condenser. Designs of the past would require a liquid refrigerant pump to move the refrigerant (on systems that took advantage of low ambient cooling), but in this case the common movement of refrigerant is established from the already running low temp compressors. This can not be accomplished by a separate low temp rack and a separate medium temp rack.
In January, 2011 we added a VFD (Variable Frequency Drive) to speed control one or two of the fans, in the first fan motor bank, for the rooftop condenser. This provides the most optimum and consistent control for head pressure without having numerous “starts” of the other fan motors in the condenser. The unique programming of the NOVAR Opus controller and the VFD affords the ultimate in energy savings.
Mid 2012 we went with the new Opus Novar controller that not only handles all of the refrigeration control but constantly monitors the store environment for temperature and humidity. The kilowatt hour and demand KW are also monitored, logged and controlled. As an option, the Opus can also control electronic circuit breakers in the power distribution panels for the store lighting, case lighting, anti-sweat heaters, parking lot lighting, and outdoor signage. Separate schedules can be programmed for each load mentioned and or shed based upon a maximum demand target set-point for additional energy savings. Anti-sweat heaters on the refrigeration retail cases are controlled from a dew point input to automatically cycle them off during dry store conditions.
The Opus Novar control also controls the system to bring on the (free heat) reclaim to heat the store and control humidity. The air conditioning will set-up automatically if the target demand is reached then reset as the demand drops off. Store temperature settings can be automatically programmed to change due to an increase or decrease in humidity to provide consistent year-round comfort and optimal energy consumption. Data logging capabilities are kept for purposes of maximizing settings by our engineering department for optimum comfort and efficiency. The refrigerated product is never compromised due to tight KW demand control. The Opus controller can send out alarm notifications to specified email addresses and to a central Opus Supervisor Station located in a home office. Over 45 years of commercial, industrial refrigeration experience, and Electrical Contracting through our sister company General Refrigeration, and John M. Smith P.E. have contributed to the unique design of this total refrigeration and energy management system.